I measure my years now by septembers, so, here's to the start to a new year!

My wildest dreams and nightmares have all come to fruition. oddly. enough.  As for the dreams, well I shot four dreamy, dreamy weddings this month included in which were vanessa+evan's new york dream day as snapped on my iphone above.

So far for this new *year* I only have two more weddings booked and I honestly may simply leave the rest of the calendar open for personal reasons if at all possible.  We shall see.  We shall see...   Meanwhile, I'll take a moment to extend a big high-five and hug to all my family, friends, acquaintances, clients and fellow creatives that *are* cozbi jean photography.  Breaks are needed at times, and this may be one of those times, so thank you in advance for bearing with me.   I know I typically take a century to blog anyhow, although with a reduced schedule in general, I'm thinking it may only take me a half century to share from here on out... who know's :)



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