It's Monday and I am in full wedding world here in my {today} sunny office! I love the above image because I truly am seeing 'blanc' with all the pretty white dresses lined up in my editing queue! Since being back from NYC {oh... NYC... ... heart. strings. yanked... *Cozbi slaps both cheeks and takes a rather large drink of water* oh I miss that place so!} since being back I've had a wedding every weekend and so far things are going, honestly, pretty good. I am not going to sugar coat this folks, sometimes my job, while I love it so, well sometimes the ugly wedding demons rear their ugly heads despite all of our best efforts and I think my last few brides would agree that we have together needed to deal with some unexpected and for a couple of you, quite dramatic occurrences during the day! Sometimes it doesn't matter how perfect the weather is or how 'swoon worthy' the details are, if a bride is not a happy camper then I'll do whatever I can within my power to help her buck back up!
I recently admitted to my assistant upon finishing a rather intense round up of way too many family members for one of those humongus family shots that will only be printed out and pasted into an album and forgotten but hey you just HAVE to take it... ... *smile* ... I admitted, "I've never once said this before but today will be the first day; I am getting older. I can feel it, I am getting old." I normally despise hearing all us lively energetic little young twenty and even thirty somethings say, "ohhhhhh I am SOOOOO old..." and may I just add I had my own little moment of truth with one girlfriend and did not bring it up again till now! Anyhow, what lead me to this new found conclusion is that I am normally that person that is optimistic and assertive and positive no matter what in all situations; in wedding world and in my personal world. Even during that moment where you have to go confront that other photographer guest/friend at a wedding and be like, "I am happy to share shutter snaps with you, but you are crossing the line yo!" I can do it with a very assertive smile that warns the opposite of my little, nice demeanor and that will make them instantly keel. This year I've learned though, I need to up my ante. Perhaps it's been partially due to the particular circumstances to a few of the more recent wedding days that have been particularly challenging for me, but oh-mylanta my patience is just not at all what it used to be! Goodness have I got to work on both staying calm externally AND internally {usually I've got more of a stone cold ***** look on my face even if I am freaking out inside} and too upping my game a bit so that the chance of feeling like I'm starting to lose control of the situation happens less.
I have loved ALL of my brides that 2012 has so far let me collaborate with and am using a few of our less then perfect moments and challenging scenarios to grow and learn, one of which being what I mentioned above, nothing else can even compare to the value of you, the bride being happy on your wedding day. Even if it means deterring from the timeline, even if it means some major adjustments, you're getting married to your best friend and I'll capture it beautifully no matter what. I too am learning to remind myself, "Cozbi, no matter what happens, you capture what is happening in front of you and you do it as well and as beautifully as you can. Let be what be." And you know what, even in the less then maybe 'stellar' and even uber stressful situations, the vows get exchanged, the kiss gets made and every time the photos are still lovely as ever and you are still married, which is what we all are there for anyhow. June is indeed a wackadoodle crazy wedding month for me, however I scheduled only one wedding weekend for July which is I think a fab idea! August and September get wild again but hey, everyone needs a little wild in their life right?!?
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