7 links
(because 3 is too little, 5 is too neat and 10 is too many)
1. I most definitely need to print this to have in my kitchen!
2. Typically not into kitschy things, but this tote might need to be purchased.
3. I want to do some large, inexpensive prints like these! I'm thinking for in the office, or as a gift or at a party.
4. This little lady is so, so good at the art of wedding photography. I've got a wedding this upcoming weekend and am so excited to let my pent up wedding photography creativity loose. I'm wondering what in the world I am going to end up shooting like…
5. Holy light.
6. I've never listened to a poetry podcast, have you? Thinking of trying this one.
7. This little house… it looks lovely, yet I get a little frightened when I look at it. I imagine the 8 year-old in me being terrified at some point in the night.
*above iphone image from the floral class with chelsea fuss of the blog, frolic! that I took last weekend. two words: floral. therapy. also, i shot a couple rolls of film at this class that i'm dying to get back... !!!
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