Happy first-day-of-spring!
Today was, I swear, THE epitome of first-day-of-spring weather here in Seattle; windy, sunny, windy, rainy, chilly, oh and did I mention windyyy... !
This week has entailed a very, very packed schedule, however I was able to take advantage of the afternoon sun-breaks and lighter evening sky and got my spring cleaning 'yard work' style all taken care of tonight. Well, minus just a couple things left to be done, it all did for the most part get finished. How appropriate that it all happened on this premier day to this new season! My roses are all ready for another year of prettiness!
I'm greatly anticipating spring this year as it will be much, much quieter and calm then springs previous. I know that I've been slow going on getting complete wedding stories blogged {although I am proud to say and show that at least I've been more on top of sharing my recent work if at least in small bits} and I promise that there are some real beauts on the horizon; both on my horizon here on circa 1969 and via some other blogs as well! I'm excited! One of which to be shared is nick+hannah's September wedding which was this great little farm celebration out in the country. It was simple and it was lovely and the image above is just one little piece of their pretty setting. I thought it just the right photograph to share for today.
Again, happy spring!
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