"Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need."
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Tis Monday and here I am trying to get this week and the work all lined up and planned out and I can't help but admit just how much I love my home. Yes, I love that despite the places we've lived and things we've had and crazy style we have decorated with, we now have a lovely little home that I am so thankful for. I especially love that it is such a comfortable place to work and live all in one. It really is all I need and really all I could want. Well, I always 'want' a few things that could of course give it a little more va-va-voom, but they are just that, 'wants' and not 'needs'. Hey, we all have them!
*Above photo from a friend's home here in West Seattle; I thought it was a perfect pairing for today's post/quote. Having recently been at her home for a little ladies soirée, I find myself falling in love with her vintage sofa every time I see it; isn't it divine?!
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