We took a stroll on the ridiculously bustling bridge and stopped along the way to snap photos. Initially trying to hide my almost panic in seeing the bridge clad in scaffolding and construction equipment, we discovered that near the half way mark the construction subsided as did my sadness of thinking I'd have to make due with the ugly orange cones, aluminum walls, caution tape, etc.
I loved photographing this completely adorable couple. They are the best of friends and they happen to be totally smitten for each other. The rest of the photos from our afternoon are simply Clinton and Charis being Clinton and Charis; reading the New York Times, discussing the crossword puzzle and simply sitting and enjoying each other's very lovely company. How every couple's photo session should be if you ask me!
We had beers at one spectacular little joint over in Brooklyn Heights, Jack the Horse Tavern, then wrapped up with a few more photos in the STUNNING historical brownstone strewn streets. As excited as Nicholas and I are to return to Jack the Horse for their {turns out} rather famous brunch, our spirits are just a tinge dampened that Clinton and Charis will not be returning with us. Sad. Face.
However, here is a little sneak of one our photos on the bridge {literally the first that loaded on my computer and therefore the first one that got edited and thrown together for a sneak!}. I can not wait to go through and edit and share the rest!
Thank you oh so much to our near and dear friends for such a rad Sunday.
*oh and would anyone happen to know the answer to the clue: a household plant with bright, colorful blooms? it was around 7-9 letters if my memory serves me and also possibly ends in 'ek'... clearly a puzzle clue that has us all baffled... ... *smile*
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