Un jour deux started with us again battling the difficulty of the time change. I also was not feeling the best and did not sleep well due to the 'activity' of our neighbors... yes, lets just say that we both share sleeping spots against the same wall. However, they may or may not have been sleeping last evening... Anyhow, day two was starting just a bit rough. I also partially credit my undue feeling to the fact that I was excited and perhaps too a bit nervous as we were heading over to Brooklyn to meet up with one of my wedding couples, Sam and Steven, whom I had currently only spoke with long distance as we were connected via a wedding blog. With the aide of my trusty assistant we successfully made our way, by 1.5 mile walk no less, to the subway and to Prospect Park where we immediately purchased much needed coffee. And yes our first subway experience was a success and we were even asked directions by more then one lost soul; guess we look like we belong. A sign that we shouldn't leave??? ...
Well Sam and Steven are total dolls. Good grief are we going to have a blast Saturday at their wedding! We strolled around the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens scouting and reviewing plans and the timeline and all the other wedding day goodies that come with a pre-wedding consult. We are all so excited to have connected and be getting to collaborate!
Nicholas and I stayed at the gardens to just enjoy the grounds a bit more. I rallied even while sporting a pretty nasty headache and a very tired body and after lunch and a few cups of coffee, I was a whole new woman. Right before leaving we came across the above heavenly Chinese snowball tree that was littered with the most angelic clouds of blooms. I swear the tree to spoke to me. For those of you that know me, you know that I am an avid gardner {thank you Mom}. I seriously love flowers and horticulture and my house always has fresh flowers in it... So really I am telling you when I saw this tree I made a b-line across the lawn leaving Nicholas on the path as I darted towards the thing. He caught up and instantly put out his hands knowing that he was going to be handed my camera.
I saw an image via Vogue Italia on Pinterest a while back and it was a photo inspired by the saying 'Rose colored glasses' and the model actually had glasses with roses attached to the lenses. I. died. I loved the idea and concept so much. Especially since my own trip to Paris is what I majorly credit my own growth as an artist as of late too, I knew I wanted to create my own take on it. Therefore the image above with the flower in front of one eye is kind of my idea on that original inspiring photo. I did a similar image with some girlfriends twice now in the past few months and will have to share them as well. The one above though is I think my favorite. I could of course expound on my image and my inspiration and the original photo for another three posts so alas, I'll zip it up for now.
Anyhow, day two turned out nice for us. We took the subway home and got off in Union Square and walked home. We love the village so far. We really love all of 9th street as you pass through much of NYU and therefore their is an abundance of eager youth and antique stores and restaurants and bars and book stores. I got a rad set of vintage shot glasses which of course we then went to the liquor store to buy some Bulleit whiskey to put in the rad set of vintage shot glasses. I also, after our trip to the gardens, got some gorgeous vintage glassware and stopped off {or rather went on a very intense hunt} for peonies and lilacs both of which it's too early to get at home. We got home, I arranged the flowers, took photos of the apt for the next blog post, then we were off for drinks and a very German dinner; there is one of Manhattan's best German restaurants about 70 feet from our front door. Appropriate no? We thought so. *smile*
Well Sam and Steven are total dolls. Good grief are we going to have a blast Saturday at their wedding! We strolled around the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens scouting and reviewing plans and the timeline and all the other wedding day goodies that come with a pre-wedding consult. We are all so excited to have connected and be getting to collaborate!
Nicholas and I stayed at the gardens to just enjoy the grounds a bit more. I rallied even while sporting a pretty nasty headache and a very tired body and after lunch and a few cups of coffee, I was a whole new woman. Right before leaving we came across the above heavenly Chinese snowball tree that was littered with the most angelic clouds of blooms. I swear the tree to spoke to me. For those of you that know me, you know that I am an avid gardner {thank you Mom}. I seriously love flowers and horticulture and my house always has fresh flowers in it... So really I am telling you when I saw this tree I made a b-line across the lawn leaving Nicholas on the path as I darted towards the thing. He caught up and instantly put out his hands knowing that he was going to be handed my camera.
I saw an image via Vogue Italia on Pinterest a while back and it was a photo inspired by the saying 'Rose colored glasses' and the model actually had glasses with roses attached to the lenses. I. died. I loved the idea and concept so much. Especially since my own trip to Paris is what I majorly credit my own growth as an artist as of late too, I knew I wanted to create my own take on it. Therefore the image above with the flower in front of one eye is kind of my idea on that original inspiring photo. I did a similar image with some girlfriends twice now in the past few months and will have to share them as well. The one above though is I think my favorite. I could of course expound on my image and my inspiration and the original photo for another three posts so alas, I'll zip it up for now.
Anyhow, day two turned out nice for us. We took the subway home and got off in Union Square and walked home. We love the village so far. We really love all of 9th street as you pass through much of NYU and therefore their is an abundance of eager youth and antique stores and restaurants and bars and book stores. I got a rad set of vintage shot glasses which of course we then went to the liquor store to buy some Bulleit whiskey to put in the rad set of vintage shot glasses. I also, after our trip to the gardens, got some gorgeous vintage glassware and stopped off {or rather went on a very intense hunt} for peonies and lilacs both of which it's too early to get at home. We got home, I arranged the flowers, took photos of the apt for the next blog post, then we were off for drinks and a very German dinner; there is one of Manhattan's best German restaurants about 70 feet from our front door. Appropriate no? We thought so. *smile*
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